Update: BonesPro 4.52
BonesPro has now been released in Version 4.52
Update for BonesPro: 4.52
This is a small maintenance update that fixes a few issues which were introduced with the version update for 3ds Max 2012:
– Problems with the mirror tool not working correctly in all versions of 3ds Max have been corrected.
– The installer has been updated to avoid a special case which caused the deinstallation getting stuck in some cases.
Additinal informations for the 3d-io Customers:
All 3d-io plugins are now available in updated versions for Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 and Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012. Unwrella is also available for Maya 2012. All plug-ins support the 64 bit and also the 32 bit versions of Max/Maya.
In addition to support for the new releases the following changes were added to these updates:
-Incorrect MetaBone display in the Track View editor has been fixed.
-Corrected errors which occassionally caused disproportional slowdown of 3ds Max when realtime view of MetaBones was enabled.
-Improved network rendering in combination with MaxScript. The amount of required user interaction in dialogues has been reduced and a new MAXScript function allows users to merge large batches of render jobs at once without having to call merge for each separately.
-Corrected path issues with Network rendering that occassionally caused Flatiron to ignore files with specific path names.
-Corrected a situation which caused Flatiron to keep control of the netrender manager until 3ds Max was closed.
Visit the following websites for training material, downloads and more information:
BonesPro 4.52
Flatiron 1.61
Unwrella 2.13
UV-Packer 1.11