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Check out the demo version of Flatiron to experience the workflow improvements with your own scenes.
BonesPro Demo
- All feature available for testing
- Results only show as previews
BonesPro Artist
- 1 Seat License
- Fully functional
BonesPro Studio
- 5 Seat License (20% Discount in Cart)
- Fully functional
Download your Demo Version for 3ds Max 2015 – 2019 here.

Download free BonesPro Proxy Plugin
We have created a compatible solution for all artists and studios working with external freelancers or third-party render farms. Plug-ins often cause problems when the scene files are opened on other computers where not all required plug-ins are installed. To solve this we have created a replacement BonesPro plug-in that can be downloaded and used freely as a replacement for the normal version. It allows artists who don’t have a BonesPro license to open and work with scenes that include BonesPro skinned meshes. This enables one artist to use BonesPro to skin a character and another artist can later open the scene and work with that character (for example animate it or edit materials) without needing a BonesPro license.
This also optimizes render farm administration. Machines that are just used for rendering don’t need to be burdened with license management or complicated setups. Just having the BonesPro Proxy available in a local or network plug-in directory is all it takes to render any animation that uses BonesPro skinning.
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